Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Adoption Hearing

We had Evan's final adoption hearing at the beginning of September . . . it was a pretty uneventful event . . . it only lasted about 10 minutes and we just tried to keep the kiddos quiet throughout! So anyway, it's official now and we couldn't be happier or more proud!

6 Months Old

Here are a few photos from Evan's 6 month shoot . . . and I tried to get one of both boys although this is the only one that turned out decent. Crazy kids! I love the shot with Evan's hands in his mouth . . . he does that all the time so it's a perfect portrait of him, plus the smile behind the hands is so darn cute!

Summer Fun

Okay, so I probably should let my child run around in the front yard with just his underwear on, but this just happened and once the pants came off, I couldn't resist grabbing my camera! I love the 2nd pic. Too funny!

Sorry! and Evan at 4 months

I know I've been completely terrible at keeping up on the blog this summer, but I will try to do better!

Here's a few photos of Evan right around 4 and 5 months old. He's sitting in his Bumbo chair and grabbing his toes and smiling like crazy! Looking back, his hair is so much shorter than it is now!

Monday, June 08, 2009

Hawaii Video

Here are a couple video clips from our recent trip to Hawaii. We all had a great time.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Good Morning Evan

We decided to shoot some video of Evan this morning before we headed to the zoo. Evan is always so smiley... especially in the morning.

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Scooting Down The Street

Emmett loves his Scooter Mini. He's still really hasn't figured out how to steer yet, but he's getting his balance figured out very quickly. He just giggles the entire way as he rolls down the street.

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Evan's Baptism

We just celebrated Evan's baptism last weekend . . . it could not have been a more beautiful day and we're so lucky to have had about 35 family and friends celebrate with us. My brother Carl and his wife Jennifer are Evan's Godparents and we're so happy to have them . . . they are a great example of a loving Catholic couple!

Jennifer and Carl came over early and helped us get Evan ready for his big day.

The baptism ceremony was pretty quick, Here's Evan getting annointed with oil:

And getting ready to have the water poured over his head. He was awesome during this part . . . he just sat there nicely and after Fr. Mel had poured the water, Evan gave us the biggest smile. It was so sweet! After the ceremony, Fr. Mel kept calling Evan the "happy baby".

Here are a few other photos from during the ceremony:

Here we are with Fr. Mel after the ceremony:

And here's Evan with Grandma and Grandpa Haake:

And Grandma and Grandpa Weiland:

After the ceremony everyone came over for lunch and even though Rob thought it was "dorky" I wanted to get a picture of Evan with his cake before it got devoured. I did slave over it after all!

And last is Evan in his baptism outfit with the BEAUTIFUL blanket Grandma Haake made for him as a baptism gift.

It was a really wonderful day and we're so happy that so many loving people came to celebrate with us and we missed those of you who couldn't make it!

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Getting Dirty

Last week Rob and Emmett got flowers at the store to plant in our pots. Emmett enjoyed getting dirty and helping with his "shobel." It was the most beautiful evening . . . Evan was unimpressed and slept right through family fun time.


Well little Evan is starting to get really good at smiling and we're starting to get really good at getting him to smile (when he's in the right mood). He and I were hanging out at the studio last week and I decided that we needed to get some smiling photos. Isn't he a doll? He's not smiling in the last photo, but had to include it because he's so sweet in it, but mostly because I love his socks!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Just hanging out

I love this image of Rob and the boys . . . just chillin'.


So, I realized that I hadn't taken many photos of Emmett just doing his thing for quite awhile. So here are a few images of him just playing around. Check out his smile in the last picture . . . it's what we call his "pretend smile". I don't know where he learned it from . . . silly boy!


We were really excited to meet Victoria's mom and sister (what a cutie!) over Easter weekend . . . and it was great to see Victoria and Michael again too! Here's a few photos from our little get-together!


We had a really wonderful Easter weekend with Rob's family in Kansas City. Emmett had a great time coloring eggs . . . he ended up with pretty colorful fingers. Good thing we took off his clothes! We were hoping that Emmett would have a great time finding his eggs and basket, but he stopped looking after he found just a couple eggs! Evan was quite unimpressed with his basket and eggs, but he looks pretty cute with them!